Google Display Ads certification Questions and answers

Amanda uses “Influence consideration” as a marketing objective for her Google Display Ads campaign. Which targeting options are a good fit for Amanda’s campaign?

In-Market audiences, Affinity Audiences, Similar Audiences

  • Custom Intent audiences, Similar Audiences, Custom Affinity audiences
  • Custom Intent audiences, Similar Audiences, Affinity Audiences
  • In-Market audiences, Custom Intent audiences, Similar Audiences

Howard’s in the process of creating a Google Display campaign and decides to use Custom Intent audiences as a targeting option. He’d like to influence customer consideration, but his niche audience isn’t covered by an In-market audience segment. Which two data inputs can Howard submit to best represent his audience? (Choose two.) Select All Correct Responses

  • Negative keywords
  • URLs
  • Keywords
  • Topics
  • Offline conversions

Alan has introduced a new line of scooters on his website and is using a Google Display Ad campaign to promote them. He selects “Build awareness” as the marketing objective for his campaign. Why would Alan choose “Build awareness” as his marketing objective?

  • To reengage users who previously showed interest in his scooters.
  • To dynamically generate ads, based on an audience’s interest in scooters.
  • To engage with audiences who previously bought his scooters.
  • To reach a broad audience for his scooters.

Gloria owns a surfing clothing line. She wants to increase the awareness of her brand and drive higher sales. How can Google Display Ads help Gloria achieve her business objective?

  • It harnesses best-in-class intent signals to place her ads against the most relevant content.
  • Her ads enable customers to purchase her clothing items directly from within the ad.
  • It automatically defines her marketing objective and provides her the features and options that are relevant to her audience.
  • It allows her ads to appear above a Google Search result to people who are searching for surfing attire.

When a Responsive Display Ad is automatically assembled, what’s adjusted to fit the ad slot?

  • Size, appearance, and format
  • Format, appearance, and external links
  • Format, image sizes, and external links
  • Size, external links, and font

Google Display Ads Lets Advertisers Upload Their Own Ads To The System, Allowing Advertisers Greater Control Over The Look And Feel Of Their Messaging. What Are The Two Types Of Uploaded Ads?

  • Image ads and dynamic ads
  • Shopping ads and remarketing ads
  • Video ads and call-only ads
  • AMPHTML ads and image ads

Match the marketers with the Display Ad format that fits them best. (Formats can be used more than once.)

1 Mirawants the mostfreedom (creative control)to decide how bestto combine
her different images, text, and logos.

2 Sherry wants faster ads, that are lighter in load.

3 Sandy wants to create safer ads and reduce the risk of malware.

4 Miko needs to reduce his overhead for managing ad portfolios within ad
groups and campaigns.

5 Tommy values performance over everything else.

  • Responsive Display Ads (5)
  • None (2)
  • Image ads (1)
  • AMPHTML ads (3)
  • Responsive Display Ads (4)

Lola Is In The Process Of Selecting A Campaign Type To Suit Her Business Objectives. Why Is It Important That She Consider Business Objectives Before Choosing Her Campaign Type?

  • Google Ads will automatically create ad messaging based on the campaign type she chooses.
  • The campaign type chosen will determine where her ads appear and the format of those ads.
  • Certain campaign types will only serve ads during particular times of the day and week.
  • Different campaign types have different minimum and maximum budget requirements.

Your company wants to have greater success online. What are two ways that Google Ads can drive your business goals? (Choose two.)

  • Place your business’s ads on every available search engine.
  • Boost your conversions by connecting you to people in the moments that matter.
  • Help you reach a wider audience and maximize exposure.
  • Coach your company to fully move to an online-only presence.
  • Cap the number of ads you pay for, based on your business.

Steve wants to use Google Display Ads to reach new customers who are looking to purchase products similar to his. Which audience type should Steve try to reach to meet his marketing goal?

  • In-Market audiences
  • Demographic targeting
  • Custom Affinity audiences
  • Similar Audiences

Why does automating your bid vs. using manual bidding contribute to a successful Google Ads campaign?

  • If you don’t bid efficiently, you could miss valuable conversions.
  • The customer journey has become more complex and therefore bids should be based on general user behavior.
  • The appropriate bid can often be a static target that’s challenging to reach.
  • User intent and likelihood to complete valuable actions for your business don’t vary based on location, time, or device.

Adam has determined that “Drive action” is the appropriate marketing objective for his new Display campaign. What are two relevant options he might use to reach his goal? (Choose two.)

  • Affinity Audiences
  • Standard remarketing
  • Demographic targeting
  • Custom Intent audiences
  • Dynamic remarketing

Using the Performance Planner on a monthly basis allows you to optimize which two aspects of an account? (Choose two.) Select All Correct Responses

  • Keywords
  • Bids
  • Budgets
  • Ad extensions
  • Ads

Google Display lets advertisers choose between two main ad formats: responsive display ads and uploaded image ads. Match the benefit of each ad type to the appropriate ad format option.

  • Uploaded image ads
  • Responsive display ads
  • Efficiency (2)
  • Control (1)

Peggy owns a house cleaning service. She built a booking website and is ready to promote her services online. She wants her ads to reach people actively looking for businesses similar to hers. Which Google Ads campaign should Peggy use to make sure potential customers consider her services and take action by booking house cleanings?

  • Shopping
  • Display
  • Search
  • Video

What are two ways that Performance Planner can help reveal the possibilities across all your Google Ads campaigns? (Choose two.)

  • Distribution
  • Validation
  • Simulation
  • Instrumentation
  • Differentiation

Siona needs to make sure her ads are getting a minimum number of impressions on the top of the page. What type of automated bidding strategy is Siona using?

  • Maximize clicks
  • Target impression share
  • Target return on ad spend (tROAS)
  • Target cost-per-acquisition (tCPA)

Cassandra wants to customize her Google Display Ads based on how potential customers previously engaged with her website. Which option best suits her needs?

  • Similar Audiences
  • Remarketing
  • In-Market audiences
  • Custom Affinity audiences

What is a valid recommendation that the Performance Planner can provide?

  • Create alternative versions of best performing ad variations
  • Apply specific bid adjustments to device and location targeting
  • Add a themed group of negative keywords
  • Set a specific target CPA (cost-per-acquisition)

Josephine is in the process of creating ads within her Standard Display campaign. She finds that there are two main ad formats that she can leverage. What are the two main ad formats used in a Standard Display campaign? (Choose two.) Select All Correct Responses

  • Text ads
  • Responsive Display ads
  • Call-only ads
  • In-stream video ads
  • Uploaded ads (Image & AMPHTML)

What are two benefits of automated bidding? (Choose two.) Select All Correct Responses

  • Higher CPAs
  • Cross analysis
  • Guaranteed results
  • Time saving

Bill wants to reach valuable, relevant audiences and engage with them quickly and often with his ads. How will creating a Display Ads campaign allow him to reach his goal?

  • It allows him to reach over 90% of global internet users across more than three million apps and websites.
  • It allows him to identify valuable audiences and collect statistical usage data from the websites where his ad appears.
  • It allows him to select for new audiences and scale down his advertising to appear on specific websites that he chooses.
  • It allows him to isolate valuable audiences regionally and convert local sales the first time his ad is seen.

Of The Ad Formats Available On The Google Display Network, Which One Will Automatically Adjust Its Presentation To Best Fit The Available Space On Page?

  • Uploaded ads
  • Responsive display ads
  • AMPHTML ads
  • Image ads

Ken sees a high level of success from his Display campaigns, and wants to take performance to the next level with the help of Dynamic remarketing. How can Dynamic remarketing benefit him?

  • It will show exact products to potential customers that have previously seen them on his website.
  • It will help him display new products to previous visitors who viewed, but did not purchase, a product he sells.
  • It will connect with users based on their demonstrated in-market behavior and purchase intent.
  • It will reach audiences based on their lifestyles, interests, and passions.

Karen has opened a new business and is using Google Display Ads to build awareness of her new products. How does Google Display Ads targeting help Karen reach her marketing objective?

  • By tracking website traffic, improving customer service, and driving longer customer interactions.
  • By getting her ad to the people she selects, based on automated marketing objective tracking.
  • By building a social following, improving customer engagement, and driving larger transactions.
  • By getting her ad in front of the right people, in the right place, at the right time.

Millie Is Managing A Google Ads Campaign For A New Client Who’s Tracking All Important Actions Post-Click And Values Each Of Their Conversion Actions Equally. What Type Of Automated Bidding Strategy Would Be Ideal For This Client?

  • Conversion-focused bidding
  • Awareness-based bidding
  • Consideration-focused bidding
  • Revenue-focused bidding

What are key factors to keep in mind when choosing a bidding strategy for your campaign?

  • Performance, auctions, and user journey complexities
  • Budget, competition, and user thought processes
  • Location, calls-to-action, and user conversion costs
  • Targeting, auctions, and campaign cost-per-click

Paul’s interested in generating conversions with Google Display Ads, but he’s not confident in setting bids himself. He’s relying on Smart Display campaigns to help. Which two bidding strategies used in Smart Display campaigns can Paul choose from to automatically set his bids? (Choose two.) Select All Correct Responses

  • Enhanced CPC (cost-per-click)
  • Target CPA (cost per acquisition)
  • Cost per engagement
  • Viewable CPM (cost-per-thousand impressions)
  • Target ROAS (return on ad spend)

Three Core Principles, Focused On Helping Businesses Reach Their Online Potential, Are The Foundation For Google Ads. The First Of These Is Relevance. Google Ads Connects Businesses With The Right People At The Right Time. Upon Which Other Principles Was Google Ads Built?

  • Control and results
  • Credits and context
  • Options and tracking
  • Profit and privacy

Felix wants to start showing his Google Display Ads to a narrower audience with the help of demographic targeting. Which two types of data are included in demographic targeting? (Choose two.) Select All Correct Responses

  • Age
  • Occupation
  • Location
  • Gender
  • Postal code

Diana is running a successful remarketing campaign. She wants to expand her reach with other targeting options. While creating a new Google Ads Display campaign with the “Influence consideration” marketing objective, she chooses Similar Audiences as her targeting option. What information is used to identify Similar Audiences?

  • Users actively researching and intending to buy new products or services
  • Audience interest around different topics
  • Input from specific landing pages and keywords
  • Input from keywords, URLs, and apps

Priya only has $500 a month to spend on her campaign, but she needs to drive as many potential customers as possible to her website. Which type of automated bidding strategy would be best for Priya’s campaign?

  • Enhanced cost-per-click (eCPC)
  • Target impression share
  • Maximize clicks
  • Target return on ad spend (Target ROAS)

What’s an advantage of the reach of Responsive Display Ads?

  • They automatically adjust your creative asset’s size, appearance, and format to fit just about any native or non-native ad slot.
  • They automatically adjust your creative asset’s size, appearance, and format to meet your exact branding requirements.
  • They allow you to manually adjust their size, appearance, and format to meet your exact branding requirements.
  • They allow you to manually adjust your creative asset’s size, appearance, and format to fit just about any native or non-native ad slot.

Joshua has an online store that sells skateboard equipment. He notices that potential customers are looking at specific skateboards but leaving his website without completing a purchase. Which Google Display campaign option can Joshua use to feature the same skateboards viewed to potential customers who didn’t complete a purchase?

  • Custom Affinity audiences
  • Standard remarketing
  • Custom Intent audiences
  • Dynamic remarketing

Match each business objective with the Google Ads campaign type that best meets it. (Each campaign type can be used only once.)

1. To advertise a business’s online and local inventory and boost website or
store traffic.
2. To increase engagement, app installs, and in-app actions (like signing up for a
3. To increase exposure and reach audiences with specific interests across the

  • Shopping campaign (1)
  • Display campaign (3)
  • App campaign (2)

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